ستيمنيت المعدنية antimonite

Calcium antimonite | Ca3H6O6Sb2 | CID 129709779

Calcium antimonite. PubChem CID. 129709779. Structure. Molecular Formula. Ca 3 H 6 O 6 Sb 2; Synonyms. calcium antimonite . Molecular Weight. 465.80 g/mol. Computed by PubChem 2.2 (PubChem release 2021.10.14) Component Compounds. CID 962 (Water) CID 5354495 (Antimony) CID 5460341 (Calcium) Dates. …

Chemolithotrophic Biological Nitrogen Fixation Fueled by Antimonite …

Chemolithotrophic Biological Nitrogen Fixation Fueled by Antimonite Oxidation May Be Widespread in Sb-Contaminated Habitats Environ Sci Technol. 2023 Jan 10;57(1):231-243. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c06424. Epub …


20211123 () 23:42。 - 4.0,()。 Wiktionary®;™。 501 ...

Antimonite: Mineral information, data and localities.

The name 'antimonite' is a commonly-used popular name for stibnite in many European countries. In chemistry, an antimonite is a salt of antimony(III). Hide all sections | Show all sections. Unique IdentifiersHide. Mindat ID: 6336 (as Antimonite) 3782 (as Stibnite) Long-form identifier: ...

L'angolo della Geologia: Chimica

Chimica - La Stibnite (Sb2S3) - Antimonite La stibnite Sb 2 S 3 è un minerale, un solfuro di antimonio. Sono suoi sinonimi antimonite e stibina. Il nome stibnite deriva da stibio, voce desueta per antimonio, e (antimo)nite. Il nome stibina deriva dal greco στίβι = nero-antimonio, conosciuto già nell'antichità. Il nome antimonite deriva ...

Antimonit – Wikipédia

Antimonit. Az antimonit (stibnit, elavult neve: piskolt vagy piskolc [1]) az antimon fontos érce, rombos kristályrendszerű szulfidásvány, a tetraedrit csoport ásványegyüttesébe tartozik. Rombos rendszerben kristályosodik. Leggyakoribb kristályalakja a hosszú prizma, gyakran hullámosan hajlott kristályok, sugaras tűs halmazok vagy finom tűk alkotta …

Potassium antimonite | H3K3O3Sb | CID 22483778

Potassium antimonite. PubChem CID. 22483778. Structure. Molecular Formula. H 3 K 3 O 3 Sb; Synonyms. potassium antimonite . Molecular Weight. 290.077 g/mol. Computed by PubChem 2.1 (PubChem release 2021.08.13) Component Compounds. CID 962 (Water) CID 5354495 (Antimony) CID 5462222 (Potassium) Dates. Create: . Modify: …

Singlet oxygen mediated photocatalytic Antimonite …

Antimonite (Sb(III)) and antimonate (Sb(V)) are two most frequently detected Sb species in aquatic environment [5] and Sb(V) is 10 times less toxic compared with Sb(III) [6]. The removal of Sb(III) from water is complicated by its weak affinity for coagulants and absorbents resulting from its neutrality over a wide range of pH (2–10.4) [7].

Bioinspired synthesis of fiber-shaped silk fibroin-ferric oxide

The maximum removal capacity for antimonite was then further evaluated by adsorption isotherms, which were carried out at neutral pH value with the antimonite concentration ranging from 2 to 60 mg/L. As illustrated in Fig. 2 d, the removal of antimonite was preferred by the Langmuir model with the correlation coefficient R 2 > …


Stibnite, sometimes called antimonite, is a sulfide mineral with the formula Sb2S3. This soft grey material crystallizes in an orthorhombic space group. It is the most important …

Global Regulator IscR Positively Contributes to Antimonite …

Previously, we found that Comamonas testosteroni S44 was resistant to multiple heavy metals and was able to oxidize the toxic antimonite [Sb(III)] to the much less toxic antimonate [Sb(V)]. In this study, transposon mutagenesis was performed in C. testosteroni S44 to isolate genes responsible for Sb(III) resistance and oxidation.

Highly Selective Adsorption of Antimonite by Novel …

The design and synthesis of metalloid imprinted materials is a challenge due to lack of a feasible functional monomer. A novel cyclic functional monomer (CFM) was used to develop Sb(III)-ion imprinted polymer (CFM-IIP) for efficient and selective removal Sb(III). CFM possesses positively charged imidazolium moiety and specific cyclic size matching with …

Antimoni: Definisi, Sifat, Sejarah dan Kegunaan

Antimoni adalah pengalir haba dan elektrik yang lemah. Antimoni adalah unsur yang jarang ditemui pada alam tetapi kadang kala boleh ditemui secara semulajadi dalam bentuk mineral sulfida mineral stibnite, Sb 2 S 3.Logam ini telah popular sejak zaman purba lagi yang banyak digunakan dalam bidang perubatan dan pembuatan kosmetik.

Antimonite: Mineral information, data and localities.

The name 'antimonite' is a commonly-used popular name for stibnite in many European countries. In chemistry, an antimonite is a salt of antimony(III).


Dříve nazývaný jako leštěnec antimonový. Nebo také jako stibnit. Chemický vzorec je Sb 2 S 3. Název pochází z řeckého slova anthémon - květina, podle tvaru krystalových drůz. Známý je již od starověku.

Stibnite Stone: History, Formation, & Metaphysical Properties

Also known as antimonite, stibnite is a soft grey mineral that crystallizes in stunning orthorhombic formations. It serves as the primary ore of the element antimony …

Stibnite: Mineral information, data and localities.

The former name became the Latin "stibium" and the old name for the element antimony (Sb). Named spiessglas in 1430 by Basil Valentine, who showed the mineral contained …


arsB arsenite/antimonite:H(+) antiporter [] Gene ID: 948011, updated on 23-Nov-2023. Summary. ArsB can function alone using PMF to drive transport, as is the case with the chromosomal ArsB, which lacks the ArsA ATPase; ArsB proteins can use ATP to drive efflux if ArsA is present. [More information is available at EcoGene: EG12236].

Thermoelectric properties of zintl antimonite compound …

The expansion of energy needs has led researchers to pay attention to studying Thermoelectric materials (TEMs) due to their ability to produce green and eco-friendly energy from waste heat [1, 2].The efficient of TEMs which offer high electrical conductivity(σ), Seebeck coefficient(S), the term S 2 σ (power factor) is a crucial impact …

Abiotic and biotic factors responsible for antimonite …

Antimonite [Sb(III)]-oxidizing bacteria can transform the toxic Sb(III) into the less toxic antimonate [Sb(V)]. Recently, the cytoplasmic Sb(III)-oxidase AnoA and the periplasmic arsenite [As(III)] oxidase AioAB were shown to responsible for bacterial Sb(III) oxidation, however, disruption of each gene only partially decreased Sb(III) oxidation …

Comamonas testosteroni antA encodes an antimonite

Here we describe a novel bacterial P 1B-type antimonite (Sb(III))-translocating ATPase from the antimony-mining bacterium Comamonas testosterone JL40 that confers resistance to Sb(III). In a comparative proteomics analysis of strain JL40, an operon (ant operon) was up-regulated by Sb(III). The ant operon includes three genes, …

Efflux Transporter ArsK Is Responsible for Bacterial …

The metalloid extrusion systems are very important bacterial resistance mechanisms. Each of the previously reported ArsB, Acr3, ArsP, ArsJ, and MSF1 transport proteins conferred only inorganic or organic arsenic/antimony resistance. In …

Stibnite Mineral Data

General Stibnite Information. Chemical Formula: Sb2S3. Composition: Molecular Weight = 339.70 gm. Antimony 71.68 % Sb. Sulfur 28.32 % S. ______ 100.00 % Empirical …

Effects of Transporter Inhibitors and Chemical Analogs on …

However, the mechanisms of antimonite (SbIII) and antimonate (SbV) uptake by ramie remain unclear. In this study, a hydroponic system was established to investigate how different substances affect the uptake of SbIII or SbV by ramie, including an energy inhibitor (malonic acid), an aquaglyceroporin inhibitor (silver nitrate), an SbV analog ...

Trivalent and Pentavalent Antimony

Registry numbers, synonyms and trade names, molecular formulae, and relative molecular masses for trivalent and pentavalent antimony, antimony metal, and antimonite ore.

Role of Conserved Aspartates in the ArsA ATPase

Domains of the ArsA ATPase. The A1 and A2 STDs, two stretches of seven residues with the identical sequence D 142/447 TAPTGH 148/453, connect the single MBD to the A1 and A2 MgADP-filled NBDs ().The nucleotides bound in the two NBDs are shown as ball-and-stick models colored according to atom type (phosphorus, orange; oxygen, …

Antimony transformation and mobilization from stibnite by …

Bosea sp. AS-1 is an antimonite-oxidizer isolated from the mine slag in Xikuangshan Sb mine. Whole genome sequencing revealed the presence of multiple sulfur-oxidizing …

| SBB: …

: ,:、。,。 (Sb(III))(SbO)(Sb)(Sb),Sb …

Antimony: Mineral information, data and localities.

Localities for Antimony Hide. This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. …

Uptake, speciation and detoxification of antimonate and antimonite …

Antimony (Sb) and arsenic (As) are chemical analogs, but their behaviors in plants are different. To investigate the Sb uptake, translocation and speciation in As-hyperaccumulator P. cretica, a hydroponic experiment was conducted.In this study, P. cretica was exposed to 0.2-strength Hoagland nutrient solution, which contained 0.5 or 5 …

Removal of antimonite (III) from wastewater using sodium …

Removal of antimonite (III) from wastewater using sodium-alginate-modified Fe-attapulgite with sodium alginate beads Zhou, A.; Wang, J. Desalination and Water Treatment 168: 282-290 2019. ISSN/ISBN: 1944-3994. Accession: 070963774. Article emailed within 1 workday. Buy Now for $29.90.

Fast and efficient remediation of antimony-contaminated …

Antimony (Sb) originated from various industrial activities including mining (Baroni et al., 2000), fossil fuel combustion (Pacyna and Pacyna, 2001), and waste incineration (Wilson et al., 2010), resulting in a worldwide Sb contamination of soil and water.For example, Sb in surface water near Xikuangshan Sb mine, Hunan Province, …

Antimonit – Wikipedie

Krystal antimonitu, ze sbírek Státního přírodovědného muzea v Karlsruhe Antimonit. Fyzikální vlastnosti: Ohebný, lze rýpat měděným hřebíkem (má tvrdost 2), hustota 4,5 – 4,7 g/cm³, dokonale štěpný podle plochy (010), lom lasturnatý. Taje při 548 °C. Chemické vlastnosti: Rozpustný v HNO 3 a v horké HCl, v KOH černá. Optické vlastnosti: Barva: …

Antimonite Stone

Check out our antimonite stone selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our rocks & geodes shops.

Antimony | Definition, Symbol, Uses, & Facts | Britannica

Antimony, a metallic element belonging to the nitrogen group (Group 15 [Va] of the periodic table). Antimony exists in many allotropic forms. It is a lustrous silvery …

Antimonit – Wikipédia

Tento minerál vytvára prizmatické kryštály, často s pozdĺžnym ryhovaním.Vyskytuje sa však aj v ihlicovitej, zrnitej alebo steblovitej forme. Bežne tvorí masívne (hrubo až jemnozrnné) agregáty [1].Jeho farba aj vryp sú olovenosivé až čierne. Antimonit je nepriehľadný a má kovový lesk. [2] Patrí medzi opakné minerály.