ALLU SM محطم

Screening Buckets

The ALLU DL-Series Screening Bucket is designed to screen and separate a wide range of materials, including various soil types, sand, gravel, compost, demolition waste, and biomass. ALLU offers a wide range of screening bucket models in various sizes to meet the needs of different industries.

ALLU SML/SM/SMH széria, | Rostakanál | ajánlatok, …

ALLU SML/SM/SMH széria, Rostakanál ALLU örlő és rostáló kanalak A technológia alapja egy kanál aljába épített őrlő-rostáló gép, mely nagy segítséget nyújt az építőiparban, a hulladékkezelésben, az újrahasznosítás és egyéb környezetvéd...

Transformer Screener Crusher

WHY USE ALLU TRANSFORMER – SCREENER CRUSHER WORKING METHOD. ALLU Transformer screener crusher is a hydraulic attachment for wheel loader, excavator or skid steer. With the widest range of screening buckets and screener crushers on the market, the Transformer attachment range will fit almost any base machine size. Starting from our …


ALLU Transformer screener crusher is a hydraulic attachment for wheel loaders, excavators or skid steers. It screens, crushes, pulverizes, aerates, blends, mixes, separates, feeds and transforms the materials.

Spare Parts

Excellent availability of spare parts with fast delivery time to secure maximum usability of ALLU Products. ALLU Support will assist on choosing the spare parts needed for …

ALLU Seulonta- ja murskakauhat

ALLU on melkein 40 vuoden ajan tarjonnut innovatiivisia ratkaisuja ja asiantuntemusta materiaalinkäsittelyn alalla. Koska ALLU on sitoutunut vahvasti asiakastyytyväisyyteen ja jatkuvaan kehitykseen, se on …


BENEFITS. Higher excavator utilization rate. Less material sent to landfills meaning less expenditure. Reduce pollution through decreased transportation and fuel costs. A mobile …

ALLU SM Brochure | PDF | Loader (Equipment)

ALLU SM Brochure - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Eladó Allu kanalak

Eladó használt Allu kanalak eladó! Lépjen kapcsolatba a használt Allu kanalak kereskedőjével. Részletes információkért, klikkeljen a fényképre vagy a termék nevére - ... Allu SM 2-12 Seulakauha. Kenttäsepät Oy. Kanalak • 2003 • Siilinjärvi, FI • Kenttäsepät Oy. 4 302 047 HUF. Kedvenc. Kenttäsepät Oy.

Schaufelseparatoren werden noch flexibler

Über die Durchsetzung des hydraulischen Schnellwechslers, steigende Gebühren von Deponien und den Messeauftritt des Unternehmens auf der kommenden demopark sprach Patrick Püschel, Geschäftsführer der Allu Deutschland mit Sitz in Bünde, mit ABZ-Redakteurin Sonja Weiße. ABZ: Welchen Stellenwert hat die demopark …

Screener Crusher for Earthmoving

ALLU Transformer D series are reliable screening buckets are for a variety of screening and crushing projects and suitable for excavators max. 45Tn (96,6 US Tn) and wheel loaders 30Tn (33 US Tn). With ALLU Transformer D series screener crusher, you can screen, sort, crush, pulverize, aerate, blend, mix, separate, feed and load materials – all ...

Ny kross- och siktskopa

Allu lanserar nu en ny kross- och siktskopa, Allu Crusher, på den svenska marknaden. Intialt kommer skopan i tre modeller för grävmaskiner i storleken 10–35 ton. Modellerna har specialutvecklade …

Allulta uutuus kenttäkuoren murskaukseen

Uudet työmenetelmät ovat tervetulleita, sillä ne antavat uusia mahdollisuuksia tehdä asioita entistä tehokkaammin. Allulta näitä ideoita on totuttu saamaan ja niin myös tälle keväälle tulee uusia uria avaava laite. Sahan kentälle kertyvän kenttäkuoren murskaukseen kehitetty laite oli viime talvena testeissä muun muassa Koskisen Oy:n sahalla.

ALLU Variable Drum

The ALLU Variable Drum is a new drum structure under our patented ALLU TS (Top Screen) design with a rapid blade change mechanism. Innovation is designed …

Allu SM 4-17 Specifications

Allu SM 4-17 (Parts, Attachments, Components, Manuals, & Accessories : Excavators) ALLU attachments are designed to operate in demanding environments on demanding materials. For over 30 years ALLU products have been known for their quality, reliability and efficiency. The main product groups are ALLU Screener Crushers and ALLU …

ALLU Transformer Seulakauha

ALLU seulakauhat erilaisiin seulontatöihin putkilinjatyömaista kompostin ilmastukseen ja viherrakentamiseen. ALLU kauhalla seulot, murskaat ja lastaat materiaalin helposti ja yhdessä työvaiheessa.

Allulta uutuus kenttäkuoren murskaukseen

Uudet työmenetelmät ovat tervetulleita, sillä ne antavat uusia mahdollisuuksia tehdä asioita entistä tehokkaammin. Allulta näitä ideoita on totuttu saamaan ja niin myös tälle keväälle tulee uusia uria avaava laite. Sahan kentälle kertyvän kenttäkuoren murskaukseen kehitetty laite oli viime talvena testeissä muun muassa Koskisen Oy:n …

ALLU Soil Improvement System

The soil improvement system benefits all kinds of soil mixing projects with high moisture content. It can be used for FOUNDATION (Mass Stabilization) work, various SOLIDIFICATION applications, and for REMEDIATION of contaminated soil and sediment.Dredged sediment, soft soils, clays, peat, ash ponds, liquid waste ponds, mine …


Screening & Crushing buckets. Screening & Crushing topsoil, black top and dirt, demolition waste, clay, peat and several other materials. Fine Screening buckets

ALLU SM Screener Crusher

ALLU SM Screener Crusher. The SML -series has a light construction in order to be suitable for small loaders. The SML -series have drums with unchangeable blades. The SML …

ALLU Processor

The Allu Processor is a power mixer attachment which converts any excavator into a powerful and versatile mixing tool capable of penetrating and effectively mixing a variety of difficult materials. Materials suited for the attachment range from clay, silt, peat, sludge and sediment, to dredged material and contaminated soil Fitted to, and …

Get Premium Prices for Your Branded Items at ALLU

At ALLU, we buy a wide range of items, including bags, wallets, watches, and jewellery at the best prices. Visit our stores nationwide or take advantage of our delivery and home services. ... Cartier Love Bracelet Pavé Diamonds SM 750 16.4g 16 with Driver. Selling Price 14,000 HKD. Louis Vuitton Master Collection Da Vinci Mona Lisa Montaigne ...

محطم (فيلم 2022)

مُحطَم ‏ هو فيلم إثارة أمريكي عام 2022، من إخراج لويس برييتو، وبطولة كاميرون موناغان وفرانك جريلو وليلي كروغ وجون مالكوفيتش.


Aleksi "allu" Jalli (born May 20, 1992) is a Finnish professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and former professional Counter-Strike player. Contents. 1 Gear and Settings; 2 Achievements; 3 Trivia; 4 Interviews; 5 Gallery; 6 References; Gear and Settings . Mouse Settings Player Submitted . Advanced. Mouse eDPI DPI Polling Rate Sensitivity

Allu SM 3-12 Specifications

Allu SM 3-12 (Parts, Attachments, Components, Manuals, & Accessories : Excavators) ALLU attachments are designed to operate in demanding environments on demanding materials. For over 30 years ALLU products have been known for their quality, reliability and efficiency. The main product groups are ALLU Screener Crushers and ALLU …

ALLU Indonesia | Jakarta

ALLU Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. 1,313 likes · 4 were here. Nanboya Indonesia kini berubah menjadi ALLU Indonesia. Dan kami tetap HANYA MEMBELI barang...

Soil Improvement

ALLU Soil Improvement is material mixing and soil stabilization technology for soft soil layers. Treat contaminated sites and dredged materials with ALLU equipment.

Pushpa: Oo Bolega ya Oo Oo Bolega (Lyrical) | Allu Arjun, …

Presenting song Oo Bolega ya Oo Oo Bolega – Lyrical (Hindi) from the movie #Pushpa. Mythri Movie Makers presents 'PUSHPA'. Written and Directed by Sukumar. Produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y ...

ALLU PF Pressure Feeder

The ALLU PF 7+7 NextGen is a 140 kW self-contained mobile feeder suitable for working together with different types of deep dry mixing (DDM) machines. The track-driven feeder is completely road-legal and easy to transport on a low bed trailer making it extremely mobile. Fast setup on job site results in less downtime, and the large air capacity ...

Třídicí a drticí lopaty ALLU

ALLU lopaty se nabízejí pro stroje o hmotnosti od 1 do 40 tun a v objemech od 0,4 m 3 do 4,5 m 3 (při použití přídavných bočnic až do cca 6 m 3). Třídění, drcení, míchání, provzdušňování a nakládání materiálu probíhá v jednom kroku otáčejícími se diskovými hřídeli osazenými noži, které umožňují ...

(3/4" / 1")* ALLU SM + SMH drums

Excellent pipeline padding tool. Fine fragment size ( 3/4" / 1")* Homogenous mixing and screening. High capacity. Applications: Screening of topsoil / blacktop. Screening of …

Allu SM 3-12 Specifications

Allu SM 3-12 (Parts, Attachments, Components, Manuals, & Accessories : Excavators)

Soil Improvement Complete System

ALLU equipment for soil stabilisation consists of three devices: pressure feeder, power mixing unit and control system. ALLU Pressure Feeder is a tank for the binder and through ALLU Processor that binder is fed to the …

ALLU M -Series for soft rock crushing

The ALLU M series attachment provides an easy and very efficient solution when solving any problems in production or in the transportation of material heaps that


The ALLU Processor is a power mixer attachment for a conventional excavator. This attachment converts the excavator into a powerful and versatile mixing tool capable of penetrating and effectively mixing a variety of difficult materials - everything from clay, silt, peat, sludge and sediment, to dredged material and contaminated soil. ...